A pipe is a set of Pipe Blocks linked together (where position flows from one Pipe Block to the next). The general structure of a pipe is quite simple:
- Start with an input Pipe Block (source)
- Optionally followed by transformer Pipe Blocks
- Followed by an output Pipe Block (convertor)
- Finish with the destination Pipe Block
Figure 6-8: Typical Pipe Structure
To avoid jerk
In physics, jerk is the rate of change of acceleration; more precisely, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time in the pipe network (which ultimately may cause a jerk in motor motion when a cam block is applied to the upstream pipe network positions) the potential position offset between the cam's first point and the input to the cam block must be taken care of in the application program by setting a cam offset or another method.
There is an option for velocity instead of position, using a differential Pipe Block as shown below.
More about the different kinds of Pipe Blocks are discussed in Adding Motion.